Osmophobia is a co-op ghost hunting title with br Support. You are called into a hunted location by kinetic games and asked to gather information about violent spirits. 

While trying to stay alive in today's article, we will go over everything you need to know to get started in the game.

This is your hunter's lobby select location for your next job and prepares your equipment is purchased and brought with you to a job. You will keep it if you leave the job alive if not, you will lose everything; you started the mission by gathering your equipment enter the house and start looking for ghostly clues; a clock in the truck counts down the setup phase.

 Where the ghost won't attack you, your end goal is to gather enough evidence to determine the type of ghost details in your journal ghost can attack anywhere, but they are hunting a single room.

 There is both local voice-over IP and radio to stay connected. 

With your teammates, but be mindful as you mice are always open to the ghost; whatever you say, whether it's over push to talk or not, will be heard, but most ghosts can be angered and will attack, killing anyone they get a hold of a heartbeat means.

The ghost is literally right on top of you to avid death hide in lockers or closets, turn off your light, and don't make any noise; you run as fast as most ghost type so you can outrun them if you don't get cornered ghosts to have a name, but I recommend not saying.

Unless they are shy and you need to trigger a response to get the evidence as saying it will anger them greatly, some ghosts only respond.

When you are alone, and this is listed on your whiteboards at job start, anything you can interact with the ghost can too the truck is command central for video feeds ghost activity for the whole location a map.

 That show breaker location a map that shows breaker location and your sanity levels a lower sanity level means you are more likely to be attacked stay in the light to prevent rapid sanity lost but leaving too many lights on will trips the breaker for evidence emf level 5 most be measure by the handheld emf reader on person freezing temperatures are signified by cold breath in the location or by a thermometer ghost orbs can only be seen by video cameras in the truck and look like.

These ghostwriting books catch ghostwriting when held or placed near an active ghost. A spirit box must be on near a ghost and asked questions fingerprints are captured by UV light on doors windows and light switches that the ghost has touched items can be turned on and placed on the ground. They will still work for you. The crucifix and smudge sticks must be placed in the room the ghost is hunting, and they lower the chance of the ghost attacking but don't prevent it.

 Ouija boards will sometimes be in a stage and are risky to use; asking the board a Question while it is lit up may get a  response from the ghost, sometimes telling you exactly Where the cost is; however it may also greatly lower your sanity or anger the lost keys will be found around the location that unlocks various doors dirty sinks will fill on their own. 

When a ghost is near the faucets and turns it on themselves, currently, you don't need to turn on the faucet from the trigger dirty water photo evidence of most activities and optional objectives listed on yours.

 Whiteboards grant you extra cash for the mission level up by gathering evidence and correctly identified a ghost; higher plyer levels unlock better equipment, bigger maps, and more serious difficulties, and that does it for phasmophobia; this game is horrifying but so much fun, so enjoy yourself.

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