This tip is basically making sure that you're focusing on getting those stars because many people don't want to spend their coins on items or in the shop to facilitate their progress to getting stars because they think they're going to need the coins.
Later or something like that, and then they end up either not using them or having them quote their coins be taken away because of something that happens in games, so again don't be afraid to spend your coins.
Get stars and make sure you don't get distracted from the main objective of getting those stars alright another essential tip is that you can't control as much as getting coins or getting stars and spending.
Coins are that getting allies is a really, really important thing that's gonna help you out a lot once you get an ally, you can use their dice and roll that one in it might have more benefits, plus your ally gets a plain dice that they roll.
Which will normally give you one or two extra moves on the board, so yeah, it's essential that when you can get allies, you get them and that user dice to take advantage of the ally that you just got alright next knows your surrounding so.
If you know that you're gonna be no Mario party with some friends, you can go ahead and Jump into one of the maps and check your surroundings that away you'll know the map you'll where and items can be or where it is convenient to go also pay attention to.
Where the stars are because that is, of course, your main objective, so again, knowing your surrounding can be the difference between winning and losing or getting a star especially.
If your friends are not really paying attention to where the stars are or where important items can be all right now, this is a little golden nugget that I found on the internet while Sochi and I'll throw up a table that they made about this, and it says.
It talks about which players of which characters are the best used in which situations so for example.
It says that if you're coin hunting which again doesn't make a lot of sense because your main objective should be getting those stars, then you should choose donkey Kong Goomba or Rosalina, but if you want to move around the board and you want to move fast, then your best bet is gonna be either boom.
Bowser or Wario, so those three characters will be the best for moving around the board and the ones I would personally recommend if you like moving around.
The board and it's gonna make it easier for you to get to goes stores, get some items, and get the coins all right for my final tip is don't give up because even though.
It may seem that all lost that all hope is lost that's you've lost because your opponent has more stars in you when the game is about to end don't be discouraged. In the end, the toad will give you prices or stars that he'll give you stats to the player.
Whoever has completed most things and the ones I know for sure I'm not sure there are more, but for example, hell, give a start to the player who is one the most minigames or the player.
Good game