As you all know, become the best in pubg and free fire game from the beginning, and there is a competition to get the most players and today while competing with pubg, the free fire game is also very famous and improved with new updates. Is
Did you know that in free fire and pubg mobile, which has become pubg India, the game of these two companies is the most original?
What is the gun used and which is the most dangerous gun which is enough to kill your enemy in 2 bullets and if you have
If this gun is fired correctly, you can kill your enemy by hitting just one bullet on the enemy's head, and then this gun is not easily available, and if you get it, you can easily make chicken dinner in pubg. So let's go to pubg's guns and his damage.
Pubg guns...
( 1. ) ( Sniper Gun..)
GUN Damage Fire Rate
3.Kar98 79. 1.9s
4.Win94 66. 0.6s
5.M24. 75. 1.8s
( 2.) ( Marksman Rifles ..)
1.Mini14. 46. 0.13s
2.Sks 53. 0.09s
3.Mk14 Ebr 61. 0.09s
4.Qbu 48. 0.1s
5.Slr 58. 0.1s
6.Vss Vintorez 41. 0.086s
(3.) ( Auto gun )
1.Akm 47. 0.1s
2.Aug A3 41. 0.085s
3.Beryl M762 46. 0.08Gs
4.G36c 41. 0.08Gs
5.Groza 47. 0.08s
6.M16A4 43. 0.075s
7.M416 41. 0.085s
8.Mk47 Mutant 49. 0.1s
9.Qbz95 41. 0.092s
10.Scar L 41. 0.09Gs
( 4 ) ( Submachine Guns )
1.Ump45 39. 0.092s
2.Micro UZI 26. 0.048s
3.Mp5k 33. 0.066s
4.Pp19 Bizon 35. 0.065s
5.Tommy Gun 40. 0.086s
6.victor 31. 0.055s
( 5 ) ( Shot Guns )
1.S12k 24. 0.25s
2.S1897 26. 0.75s
3.Sg8g 26. 0.2s
4.SawedOff 22. 0.25s
5.Dbs 26. ......
Had some excessive use of pubg and powerful guys
Free fire guns.
( 1. ) ( Sniper Gun..)
GUN Damage Fire Rate
1.Awm 90. 27
2.Sks 82. 35
3.Kar98K 90. 27
4.M82b 90. 27
5.Svd 89. 35
( 2.) ( Auto gun )
1. Groza 61. 56
2. Aug 56. 61
3.P90 48. 25
4. Ak 62. 55
5. Scar L 53. 61
6. Thompson 50. 72
7.An94 60. 58
8. Mp 40 48. 83
( 4) ( Submachine Guns )
1.M248. 57. 59
2.M14 75. 43
3.Vss 54. 48
4.Mp5 48. 76
5.Ump 49. 75
6.Xm8 57. 60
7.M60 56. 56
8.Cg15 50. 69
( 5 ) ( Shot Guns )
1.M1887 99. 42
2.M1014 94. 38
3.Spas12 92. 42
तो यह थी कुछ power full guns in free fire